Presented here are links for study, research or internship projects in France, Quebec and the rest of the Francophone world, as well as a collection of links on francophone Digital Humanities, with a particular focus on Quebec.
Useful links for France
Deutsch-Französische Universität / Université franco-allemande (DFH/UFA)
- The DFH is an institution funded by the French and German governments that initiates and financially supports French-German degrees. Its network consists of 213 universities in more than 140 cities in Germany, France and third countries.
Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW)
- The DFJW/OFAJ promotes youth exchange and youth projects between Germany and France, such as school and student exchanges, language courses, internships, scholarships and research work.
- Campus France Deutschland is a department of the French Embassy in Germany and advises pupils, students, and public institutions about studying in France.
Government information page about study in france
Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche: Information on the "contrat doctoral"
- French-German research centre for the humanities and social sciences.
Centre interdisciplinaire d'études et de recherches sur l'Allemagne (CIERA)
- CIERA brings together twelve French universities and research institutions and supports scientific cooperation between France and Germany.
Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris (DHIP)
- The DHIP/IHA promotes young researchers who work in a French-German context. It offers language courses, summer universities and excursions, as well as scholarships and fellowships enabling research stays in Paris.
Institut franco-allemand des sciences historiques et sociales
- The DHIP/IHA promotes young researchers who work in a French-German context. It offers language courses, summer universities and excursions, as well as scholarships and fellowships enabling research stays in Paris.
Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)
- The BnF is the national library of France, based in Paris. As a universal library, it collects and makes available literature from all periods and subject areas - not only from France or about France.
- Gallica is the digital library of the BnF.
- The French National Archives is an institution of the Ministry of Culture and the largest archive in Europe. Its aim is to preserve and make accessible the state archives since the Middle Ages.
- Online search portal of the national archives.
Useful links for Quebec (and Canada)
government information page about study in quebec
Association internationale des études québécoises
- The AIEQ is an association whose goal is to promote and develop Quebec studies abroad by supporting Quebec-related research (courses, colloquia, publications) and by fostering international collaboration among professors, researchers, and students conducting research on Quebec.
- Non-profit organisation working for the advancement of science in Quebec, in the Canadian Francophonie and in the French-speaking world.
- Kongress der Acfas
- Every year, the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) enables people from Germany (students, university teachers, etc.) to spend time in Canada. Here you can find information on living and studying in Canada as well as a scholarship database.
Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien e.V.
- The GKS is a non-profit association that coordinates Canada-related scientific activities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
- GKS-Newsletter
The International Council for Canadian Studies
representation of the government of Québec in germany
Centre Canadien d'études allemandes et europénnes de l'université de Montréal (CCÉAE)
List of the centres for québec-studies and canadian studies in germany
Scholarships of the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (Banq)
Grants and scholarships from the quebec government research fund
- The Government of Quebec offers grants and scholarships for doctoral studies, postdoctoral training, and short stays under three components of the Fonds de recherche du Québec: Nature and technology; Health; Society and culture.
Sponsorship prizes of the Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien e.V.
Funding programmes of the Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien e.V.
DAAD Scholarship database for canada
Internships at the Goethe-Institut Montreal
- Organisation that connects the private sector with higher education institutions and promotes collaborations in Canada and abroad to develop projects for the Canadian economy.
Mitacs Globalink Research Intership for students
- Offers students of a (full-time) Bachelor’s programme or a combined Bachelor’s-Master’s programme the opportunity to apply for a 12-week research internship between May and October at a Canadian university
MITACS Globalink Research Award
- For Bachelor's and Master's students and postdocs: offers the opportunity to apply for a 12 to 24-week research project at a Canadian university and to obtain funding of $6000 from Mitacs.
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
- The BAnQ includes the Grande Bibliothèque (in Montréal), the National Library and the National Archives of Quebec.
- Advitam is the search engine of the National Archives, providing access to the largest collection of archives on the history of Quebec.
- The BAnQ’s online library portal provides access to thousands of posters, newspapers, maps, books, films and other resources at any time.
- Érudit supports open digital publishing and provides access to document collections in the arts, social sciences, and humanities (journals, books, theses, and research reports).
- Érudit documents and data repository
Digitale Sammlungen digital collections of the montréal libraries
digital collections of the québec-City library
Library of Anglo-American Culture & History - Canadian Studies
Digital Humanities
One of the SIEQ's main goals is to make information about the Digital Humanities in Québec and in the French-speaking world available for interested students, doctoral students and researchers. Here you will find useful links to research institutions and scientific organisations, as well as communication and publication mediums that are active in the field of Digital Humanities in Quebec and the rest of the francophone world.
Digital Humanities in Quebec
Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (CRIHN)
- The CRIHN is made up of CEGEP (General and vocational college), 8 universities and several research institutions in Quebec and offers interdisciplinary courses, research collaborations and research projects.
Canadian Society of Digital Humanities / Société Canadienne des études numériques
- Canadian association of representatives from colleges and universities in Canada whose research and teaching focus on digital humanities.
Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (CRIFPE)
- Here you will find a wide range of seminars, webinars, events and trainings in the field of Digital Humanities with a focus on educational sciences.
- Research group at the Ecole de Gestion of the Université de Sherbrooke offering international and interdisciplinary events and publications.
"Écritures numériques" research chair at university of Montréal
Digital Studies / Le champ numérique
- Academic journal serving as an open access space for scholarly activity and as a resource for researchers in the field of digital humanities.
Parcours numériques – Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal
- Montréal University Press, supported by the research chair "Écritures numériques" and the CRIHN. Offers a range of publications on digital humanities and the possibility to submit scientific articles.
- International and interdisciplinary journal from Montréal with some contributions on Digital Humanities.
- Blogs and other external activities of sens public
- Culture numérique – marcello vitali-Rosati's blog
Francophone Digital Humanities
- Francophone Society for Digital Humanities. Its goal is to support projects and working groups and bring together different actors and institutions active in the field of Digital Humanities.
Institut des Humanités numériques d’Afrique Francophone
- The Institut des Humanités numériques d'Afrique Francophone aims to train researchers from French-speaking Africa in the practice of Digital Humanities.
Observatoire des humanités numériques (ENS-PSL)
- The Observatoire des humanités numériques of the ENS-PSL is a place of exchange between the different members of the university and relies on an ENS-internal as well as international network of institutions active in the field of Digital Humanities.
- Huma-Num is a research structure that aims to facilitate the digital transformation of research in the humanities and social sciences. The main mission of Huma-Num is to build a digital infrastructure of international standard for the social sciences.
- Interdisciplinary research platform of the Lausanne University (UNIL) and the Écolepolythechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
Digital Humanities Lab des Centre virtuel de la Connaissance sur l‘Europe (CVCE)
- The CVCE is an interdisciplinary research and documentation centre focusing on the study of european integration.
Digital Humanities Course Registry
Map of Digital Humanities centres worldwide.
distam - Agora numérique des études aréales – Afrique, Asie, Moyen-Orient et Mondes musulmans
- Since 2022 DISTAM (DIgital STudies Africa, Asia, Middle East) documents and supports the digitization in french area studies on Africa, Asia and the Orient
- Humanités numériques is a bi-annual digital and open access journal. It publishes francophone works that explore the digital transformation of knowledge. The journal is published by Humanistica.
Revue francaise des sciences de l’information et de la communication
- The journal is directed at an international audience of researchers, teachers and information and communication professionals from all disciplines.
LibGuide – French and Francophone Digital Humanities Projects
- Information on French and Francophone Digital Humanities projects from around the world.